Key characteristics of cereal hay from Australia that influence the opportunity value of cereal hay for Ruminants.

-Fibre content

-Fibre digestibility
-Readily available energy source
-Low mineral content
-Low Nitrogen Nitrate and Nitrite
-Effective fibre
-Mycotoxin Safe
-Chemical MRL Compliant

-Phytosanitary Compliant

-Quality Assurance Certification
-Heavy Metal Safe

Fibre content
 Measured using Neutral Detergent Fibre
Lower fibre level helps increase growth rate and milk yield

Fibre digestibility
-Measured using Neutral Detergent Fibre Digestibility
-Increased fibre digestibility helps increase growth rate and milk yield

Readily available energy source
-Measured using Water Solube Carbohydrates
-Increased Rumen Microbial Protein synthesis

Low Mineral Content
-Measure Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium
-DCAD Balance

Nitrogen Nitrate and Nitrite
-Measure Nitrogen Nitrate and Nitrite
-Dry Matter Intake

Effective Fibre
-Low fines
-Increased chewing and rumination time helps increase rumen health
Mycotoxin Safe
 Measure Aflatoxin, Deoxynivalen, Fumonisin, HT-2, Ochratoxin, T-2 toxin, Zearalenone
 Increased Rumen Microbes functionality
 Compliant with Government Standards
Chemical MRL Compliant
 Measure Herbicide, Fungicide and Pesticide Chemical residues
 Improved Human, Animal and Plant Health
 Compliant with Government Standards
Heavy Metal Safe
 Measure Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury
 Improved Human, Animal and Plant Health
 Compliant with Government Standards  
Quality Assurance Standards
 Industry and Government Standards
HACCP Accreditation and Compliance

Typical Feedtest Grading Matrix





Super Premium

Less than 50

Above 55

Above 25


50 – 55

50 – 55

20 – 25

Grade 1

55 – 60

45 – 50

15 – 20

Grade 2

Above 60

Below 45

Below 15